My dream holiday – Paris

paris me Photo on 26-02-2015 at 2.09 pm #2 eiffel_tower_paris_pink_sky

On my 2nd destination i went to Paris and held the eiffel tower in my hands. I stood on top of a building from a distance to look as if i was bigger then the city.

To create this photoshop effect i used the quick selection tool to crop my body and then place it into the photo of paris. i used the flip tool so that i could be facing the other direction. I then used different effects to morph myself into the colour-sheme of the photo, effects such as contrast, colour balance, hue saturation etc.

I like the finishing product of the photo, it turned out well.

I disliked having to mix effects to make myself look as if i was in the photo as it took a lot of effects.

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